Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 8, 2014

Fall In Love With Me Episode 20

So wait?! How do we get from scheming, sneaky Lu Tian Xing to a wedding with Tao Le Si?! This drama! So the writers play pin the tail on the storyline-donkey or something each week?! The other though that scares me is that this could be a dream. 

Pastor: Lu Tian Xing, will you marry Tao Le Si and respect and treasure her for the rest of your life?
Lu Tian Xing: I will.

To say that I'm bewildered as to how we get to this happy ending, would be an incredible understatement. All that aside, I am really loving that hairstyle on Aaron. Dang he looks good! I also ADORE all the happy smiling friends cheering them on at the wedding! Yay! (And they are all happily coupled off, which is run of the mill for Taiwanese dramas I hear. I am glad that Tian Xing and Taozi look so dang happy. I can applaud that. I swear, if it's some sort of fake out sequence, I might have to give up on Taiwanese drama...but then there is Aaron. That would mean never seeing him again in a drama. Oh well. I guess I won't give up then ;)

Is it just me, or isn't that the same church where the whole Huan Huan wedding fiasco happened? Is this like K-drama where there only seems to be one church in all of Seoul where people get married?

From what I've heard on the grapevine, episode 20 is the finale. Let's hope we get some nice, pretty, happy bows to tie up to this crazy ride of a drama. At least it gave us gorgeous Aaron ;) And some pretty dang good kiss scenes. Yay for Taiwanese drama kisses!!!

Here's to a happy ending! Not only do Tian Xing and Taozi deserve it, but we do too for suffering through the crazy

Watch Fall In Love With Me online at

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